The vines, which reach around 6 to 15 feet, have a deep-purple cast. Purple hyacinth bean features heart-shaped leaves with purple veining on the undersides. But they are prolific vines, and the colorful harvest at the end of the season makes a little pampering worth it. Many gourds are easy to dry and can be used as decorations or crafts, such as gourd birdhouses. Unfortunately, they are also subject to the same pests and diseases as squash, including squash beetles, rodents, and powdery mildew. They need a sunny spot, weekly watering, and soil with plenty of organic matter worked in. Grow gourds as you would any other member of the squash family. A pergola or arbor looks especially interesting with gourds dangling from it. But if you are growing them for decoration, the gourds will remain cleaner and less pest-prone if you train them on a structure. Many people let the vines sprawl on the ground. There's a wide variety of gourds that grow easily and quickly in just a few months. Ornamental gourds aren't grown for their flowers but for their large, attractive seed pods (the gourds). Blooms will come along in midsummer and continue into fall. The vines are typically easy to train to grow on trellises or other supports, and they require little maintenance beyond watering to keep the soil moderately moist. Keep the seedlings indoors until you're sure any frost has passed, as they're sensitive to cold temperatures. The flat seeds germinate better when planted on their edges, which makes them less prone to rot. Hummingbirds love the blooms.Ĭup and saucer vines take a while to start blooming, so it helps to start the seeds indoors six to eight weeks before your last frost date. The vines can grow around 10 to 20 feet under ideal conditions. And they are surrounded by a "saucer," or collar, of a green calyx. The actual flowers are the internal "cup," which is usually lavender. The sweet-smelling flowers of this plant are indeed shaped like a cup and saucer. Soil Needs: Average, moderate moisture, well-draining.Color Varieties: Lavender, pink, red, blue.Plus, there are many hybrids of Asarina, though seeds can be hard to find. Climbing snapdragon can even be grown as a houseplant if you have enough sunlight. This vine looks lovely in containers and spilling over walls, and it will twine around strings and trellises. The plant's common name is a bit of a misnomer because this is not a snapdragon variety, and the trumpet-shaped flowers are not reminiscent of its namesake's flowers. Once in the garden, they typically don't need much care from you. They should germinate in about two to three weeks. Use peat or paper pots because the seedlings don’t like their roots disturbed. Vines will climb to about 6 to 8 feet and bloom all summer. These plants are slow starters, so start seeds indoors around 10 weeks before your last frost date. Soil Needs: Rich, moderate moisture, well-drainingĬlimbing snapdragon is a deceptively fragile-looking vine, but in fact it is quite tenacious.Once in your garden, water your vines once or twice a week to ensure moderate soil moisture, especially if you don't have rainfall. Make sure to harden off seedlings before planting outside.

Use peat pots or paper pots, so you can transplant into your garden without disturbing the seedlings. Keep the soil moist, and you should see germination within one to two weeks. It can take 12 weeks after planting from seed for the vines to start flowering, so starting the seeds indoors can help speed things along. You can start the seed indoors six to eight weeks before last frost or directly sow them in the ground in spring. You will get longer vines (around 6 to 8 feet) when you grow them in the ground, but being pot-bound tends to encourage them to bloom more profusely. You can often find black-eyed Susan vines sold in hanging baskets. Sporting dark centers, they resemble the garden perennial black-eyed Susans. The flowers are small (around 2 inches) and come in shades of white, yellow, and orange. Thunbergia alata is a short annual vine that grows well in containers. Juliette Wade / Photolibrary / Getty Images The Spruce Home Improvement Review Board.